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Matt Boschetto for Supervisor
Why I Am Running
“A Voice for the West Side”
I am running for Supervisor because I care too much about this city to sit on the sidelines while City Hall whiffs on the biggest issues of our times. This is not acceptable in the San Francisco we know and love. So, I am ready to make a serious contribution to righting the ship – for the City, District 7, my family and yours.
As a small business owner, parent, and homeowner, I value results over process. I also value humility when facing complex challenges. We can fix San Francisco with:
Thoughtful, well-developed ideas that consider all the likely outcomes from our actions;
Targeted incentives for success and real consequences for failure which will motivate better outcomes;
Retroactive reviews for course-corrections for the future;
Mutual respect and political cooperation in the service of getting things done quickly and efficiently.
As your Supervisor, I want to help make San Francisco safer and more livable, for all of us.
Like many of you, I was recently a victim of a crime when thieves broke into my home and stole irreplaceable family heirlooms. It was both frightening and disheartening to become another city statistic – and the normalization of crimes like this is unacceptable. So I decided to do something about it by running for Supervisor. To see my policy priorities, click here.
I pledge to be accessible to my constituents and 100% accountable for my actions and performance. I am a San Franciscan, through and through, not a career politician looking for the next step up the political ladder. I am not interested how things have always been done, nor doubling-down on failing ideas. I’ll look at every problem facing City Hall with a fresh set of eyes on how to achieve lasting results.
District 7 Representation
District 7 is unique. From living on the West Side for many years, I understand that our neighborhoods have distinct concerns, characteristics, and a special way of life that needs to be protected. I also believe our voice is under-represented at City Hall and our District’s leadership is out of step with our District’s voters on important issues.
I am not an ideologue – I am a pragmatist.
I firmly believe in the importance and civic responsibility of voting. I urge everyone of every age to participate in making their government better by giving your feedback.
Like many young people, I didn’t always feel that way. I used to believe that my vote really wouldn’t make much of a difference. How could one vote impact a race? But as we nearly saw in this year’s Congressional race in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, one vote literally could make the difference.
As I grew older, especially when I became a parent, I began to see voting in a different light. I became more engaged with my neighborhood and my community and began to see that our city government played a large role in decisions that affect me and my family on a daily basis. I became more committed to making change through politics. Now as a candidate for Supervisor, I want to make sure all of the voices of District 7 are heard at City Hall. That begins with voting.
I’ll be your representative, especially as eyes turn increasingly to the Westside with respect to housing and infrastructure challenges.
District 7, like the rest of city, deserves safer streets, support for small businesses, reliable transportation and a city government that both listens to our concerns and strives for greater transparency and efficiency.
I hope you will join me on this journey to protect the West Side and restore our great city.